Cedar Section Honey Super with Frames and Ultra-thin Foundation

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Cedar Section Honey Super with Frames and Ultra-thin Foundation

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Make beautiful section (comb) honey with this section honey super. Follow Warré's method as described in Section Honey Production (an excerpt from Warré's book, Beekeeping for All) or simply super your hive as it is during the height of the nectar flow. Everything is completely assembled, ultra-thin (edible) wax foundation is installed and the super is ready to use to make perfect section honey. After you have harvested from this box the first time, there should no longer be any need for foundation. If your hive consists of fewer than three boxes of drawn comb, you may want to use a queen excluder under this product.

Made from SFI certified sustainable red cedar.

Don't forget your comb cutter and your comb honey boxes.

Learn much more about this product by clicking here!