4.9mm Foundation Sheets for use in Warre Frames

modified body 004.JPG
modified body 004.JPG

4.9mm Foundation Sheets for use in Warre Frames

from $39.00
7 or 8 Sheets:
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Foundation sheets are highly recommended when you’re using new frames in your hives. Starting out “foundationless” with a framed hive can be difficult and risky, especially if you are a new beekeeper. We suggest you start with foundation and then work toward a foundationless hive (if that's your goal) after you have at least a few boxes of nicely drawn comb. Watch this video to learn more!

This 4.9mm “small cell” foundation is for use with small cell bees (bees raised on the same foundation, such as those from Wolf Creek Apiaries). It can also be used for “large cell” honeybee regression. Learn all about regression to small cell size (to control varroa) by clicking here. Each sheet is already cut to the proper length to fit Warré frames, and foundation pins are included (four per sheet). The depth of each sheet must be trimmed by cutting with a good pair of snips (the wires are very hard). We recommend that one frame in each box be left foundationless by using the wedge cleat as a comb guide and coating it with wax (this is also shown in the frame assembly video). Place each blank frame in the 2nd or 3rd position (doesn't matter which side) of your hive bodies. The foundationless frame in the top box will give you somewhere to place the queen cage when installing package bees (laying on, and parallel with, the bottom bar), and they will all give the bees room to raise drones. If you want to use foundation in all of your frames, you can certainly do that; simply select “8 sheets” from the drop-down menu when ordering.

Although we will happily replace any foundation that is damaged in shipping, there will be absolutely no returns of foundation accepted. All sales of this item are final. NOTE: We do not install foundation into frames under any circumstances because it’s fragile and doesn’t ship well when it’s already in the frames. Even if you purchase your frames assembled, installing the foundation is your responsibility.

Need help installing the foundation into the frames?

Watch the video!